We assess and manage peripheral nerve problems, usually located in the (arms) hands and (legs) feet. These are commonly related to pinched nerves from surrounding structures or other conditions that arise from nerve injury or tumours.
Nicholas Finnis Neurosurgery provides peripheral nerve surgery to improve function while minimising pain and disability in people with peripheral nerve disorders. This includes acute nerve injuries, entrapment neuropathies, and nerve sheath tumours.
Common pinched nerve problems cause numbness, tingling and/or pain in the nerve region and some weakness. The most frequently diagnosed of this nature is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which causes problems in the hand.
Another common hand condition is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, which is due to the pinching of a different nerve. Less common arm “entrapment syndromes” are radial tunnel syndrome, posterior interosseous nerve syndrome, and thoracic outlet syndrome.
In the leg, a number of less common problems can cause pain and neurological symptoms. The Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of the Thigh Entrapment can cause numbness and pain in the front of the thigh.
Other less common conditions are Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome in the foot and the common peroneal entrapment in the knee region.
Mr Finnis is one surgeon of few with the experience necessary to evaluate and operate for Piriformis Syndrome, which is the pinching of the sciatic nerve in the gluteal region.
Pelvic pain itself is common, and although rare, a cause of this can be an entrapment of the peroneal nerve in the pelvis – known as Alcock Canal Syndrome. This can generate pain in the perineal, genital and perianal areas and is worsened by sitting. Alcock Canal Syndrome is a rare entrapment of the pudendal nerve.
Surgery to directly free the nerve in Alcock’s canal is considered the most effective long-term treatment, and Mr Finnis is one of a few surgeons offering the surgery for this condition.
First, you will need a referral from your GP, physiotherapist, chiropractor, or osteopath to make an appointment with Nicholas Finnis Neurosurgery. Being referred to Nicholas is simple. Click the button below to visit our Patients page and read the steps.